Welcome To HaTe Mail For HeraCules
This site is a storybook for Myth and Folklore at the University of Oklahoma
Imagine this: You are hero of Greek and Roman mythology. You have completed a number of labors. You are so adored and admired that you have become a god, literally. You have been living on Mount Olympus for what must be a few millenia now and have just signed up for a new email service. Given that you have been portrayed in countless movies and books as such a fantastic hero, you expect that email will be a great way for fans to contact you. Everyone loves you! You are Heracles! You are Hercules!
As you enter the storybook (or your inbox) you will see a different side of the hero's story. Family members and enemies express their distaste for Heracules* in a series of strongly worded emails. I encourage you to read and respond as Heracules to this storybook. I have intentionally tried to make it feel like a real functioning email service and hope you enjoy exploring the different features as Heracules.
One unique feature of this storybook is that you, as the reader, have the ability to respond to these emails and be the voice of Heracules. I encourage you to respond to all the haters using the "Send A New Message" features. Responses to emails will appear under the "Sent" button and will be completely user generated. I hope you will enjoy placing yourself in the shoes of an ancient hero! For a more complete introduction, I recommend starting on the homepage where you will find more information about navigating Heromail. After that you can read the emails in the inbox in any order you like. There is an email from Philoctetes, one from Megara, and one from King Diomedes You can find author's notes and bibliographic information in the "Archive" section. If at any time you wish to return to this page click the help button.
*I have used stories from both Greek and Roman mythology and rather than switching or choosing between spellings I have created my own that I will use for the remainder of the storybook.
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